Emmily Banks started out as a makeup artist and then decided to work only with natural beauty products, bravely pioneering the way of creating editorial worthy looks with natural products.
She got such a great response that her brand, Depths of Beauty was born which encompasses makeup courses and a magazine all with the aim of encouraging "women to make more educated choices when it comes choosing the best, natural, organic, ethical and sustainable beauty and health products and practises that support their health and the planet."
More recently, she's taken to social media to find her 'why' and is delving into a very interesting, introspective journey. Which is why she's currently in Bali, a la Eat Pray Love!
Here are her 9 pearls of health wisdom
1. Do what feels good
When it comes to physical health. "Be conscious of how eating, moving and living a certain way makes you feel energetically, emotionally and mentally. I eat mostly plant based, exercise when I have the energy, rest when I'm tired and travel and explore to have fun and be as present as possible.
2. Know what your hormones are up to
'Cause they can really put a woman out of whack. This is genius advice and easy too.
"I track my cycle and I'm very in tune with my shifting hormones so I try to honour my bodies energy levels on any given day. Some days I do cardio and run, others I lift weights or sometimes I just walk or do yoga. I always make sure I move my body in some way shape of form for minimum one to two hours daily.
3. Ditch health fads
"I've tested all the diets and health fads - keto, vego, vegan - but I've learned that trusting my cravings is best. It works best for my body to incorporate all food groups. Breaky will either be eggs and avo on toast or fruit or a smoothie and lunch and dinner will be salad or veges and a source of protein (usually plant based). I typically avoid gluten and dairy as it feels best for me to eat whole foods. Lots of water, juices and smoothies in summer and plenty of broth in winter.
I take supplements depending on what's going on with my body. At the moment I take B12, probiotics, digestive enzymes and vitamin C."
4. Have a digital detox
Even when you're working in social or the media, it's important to take time out.
"I create space from noise and distraction so I can tune into what's really going on within. I often disconnect from social media and spend a lot of time on my own, away from other people's projections."
5. Own your natural beauty routine
"I'm spoiled for choice with products so I'm often mixing it up but I'm currently using and loving Edible Beauty's Sleeping Beauty Mousse, Weleda Skin Food and Body oil when my skin is particularly dry. I only use natural sunscreen, Simple As That is my favourite.
As for makeup, I mostly use Inika BB cream and mascara, Ere Perez Oatmilk foundation and eyeshadows and The Organic Skin Co blush and lipsticks.
For my hair I use natural products from Oway and Aveda and usually try to protect with a serum or oil from these brands.
6. Don't beat yourself up
"I try to make the most ethical choices in every area of my life, but I'm not perfect. I only clean with natural products - mostly homemade from essential oils. I do own a keep cup but I admit I sometimes forget it #notperfect. I use glass water bottles as often as possible and try not to use plastic if I can avoid needing it."
7. Get to know yourself
"I really try and focus on being aware of my energy and consciously choosing different thoughts if I don't feel good. I believe we all have the superpower to create our dream reality once we recognise our abilities to shift our direction/focus/energy on what we desire as opposed to our fears."