If you're getting about in slippers and a robe for most of the day, that's perfectly fine, you keep doing you cause right now is just about scraping through isolation.
If you want to know what some other people are doing, welcome to our new series, The Morning Routine, cause it's always fun to perve on other people's lives. First up, influencer @hollyleelu shares what she does every morning.

6.45: alarm.
I generally snooze my alarm around 3-4 times before actully getting up, I'm 100% not a morning person.
7.15am: Straight into Insta work,
replying to everyone and post for the day.
I exercise before lunch so I start work early.
7.45am: Coffee and my healthy drink which tastes awful but is super good for me and it's horribly zingy flavour quickly wakes me up. It's
Original Master Fire Tonic Raw apple cider vinegar + Orthoplex green Ultra buffered C powder + Diasporal Magnesium + Nascent Iodine - added to a tall glass of water.
8.15am: Emails and other admin work.
8.45am: Have day planned. After this I'll either shoot, film, edit content.
Morning beauty routine
I always wash my face and apply my moisturiser with Vitamin C in it, and 50+ sunscreen. Brush my teeth and apply a tinted mineral moisturiser on top of that plus my eye makeup (I don't wear much make-up, usually only do my eyes and brows, plus always wear a lippy).
How has this changed since staying home?
I still do all of these things. I run my own creative business and have always worked form home. The only difference is the lack of interaction with friends, all of my daily meetings, showings, work events, shooting regularly with my photographer, going to Virgin Active gym instead of having to do my workouts outdoors or in my living room.
Home workout?
I luckily have stairs (about 120 stairs up an extremely steep hill) right outside my apartment, so I use these 2-3 times a week. I do 20-30 mins continuous stair runs, after this I'll generally do a HIIT (high intensity hit training) for 25 mins (or 45 mins if I don't do stairs). I do this HIIT training in my living room or downstairs in my apartment complex concrete / grass area.

Healthy-beauty hacks
1. Drink LOTS of water! Like a lot! especially if you drink caffeinated teas, coffee, soft drink, salty food and alcohol. I try to drink 3-4L a day.
2. Eat loads of fresh produce (if it's in a can or in a packet most likely it's not doing you much benefit).
3. I always meditate in the evening before bed time using an app called Relax Melodies (cannot recommend enough) for around 15 mins (or till I fall a sleep.
4. I exercise for at least 45mins most days.
5. Most importantly, think good thoughts, treat yourself with love and have a positive outlook on life. It really helps.
Self care
Surround yourself with GOOD VIBES! That goes with good food, good people, good energy.